Rudolf de Crignis
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Zwischen weissen Wänden ... (Between White Walls ...), PEAC Museum, Freiburg, Germany (through July 21,2024)
2024 The Last Picture Show, Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York (through April 27, 2024)
2022 Fokus: Sammlung (Focus: Collection), Kunst Museum Winterthur, Switzerland
2021 Seeing Differently - The Phillips Collects for a New Century, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC
2021 51 Jahre Experiment F+F (51 Years Experiment F+F), Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland
2019 Im Garten der Farben (In the Garden of Colors), PEAC-Paul Ege Art Collection, Freiburg, Germany
2019 Zurück in die Zukunft 2 (Back to the Future 2), Galerie Kim Behm, Mannheim, Germany
2019 Celebrating Thirty Years: Part Two, Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico
(through September 28, 2019)
2019 A Day's Work, Raum Schroth, Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, Germany
2019 Malerei! (Painting!) Rudolf de Crignis, Jakob Gasteiger, Elisabeth Sonneck, Galerie Kim Behm, Frankfurt
2018 Auf der ganzen Linie! Positionen zeitgenössischer Zeichnung (All Along the Line! Positions of Contemporary Drawing),
Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2018 Blickwechsel, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2018 Painting Black, Raum Schroth, Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, Germany
2017 Hunger nach Bildern: Malerei der 1980er-Jahre aus der Sammlung
(Hunger for Pictures: Paintings of the 1980s From the Collection), Kunstmuseum Olten, Switzerland
2017 Zeichnungen, Galerie Kim Behm, Frankfurt
2016 On Paper, Minus Space, Brooklyn, New York
2015 Das Dreieck der Liebe—Körperlichkeit und Abstraktion in der Zürcher Kunst
(The Triangle of Love—Corporeality and Abstraction in Zürich Art),
Helmhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
2015 Painters/Paintings, 57W57ARTS, New York
2015 CH-Variationen—Neuere Schweizer Zeichnungen (CH-Variations—Recent Swiss Drawings),
Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
2015 Selections From The Kramarsky Collection, David Zwirner, New York
2015 Drawn to Perfection, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, New York
2015 Rudolf de Crignis, Imi Knoebel, Julia Rommel, Bill Walton, Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago
2013 serge stauffer—kunst als forschung (serge stauffer—art as research), Helmhaus Zürich, Switzerland
2013 Inner Focus, Anthony Slayter-Ralph, Los Angeles
2013 Drawing the Line, Galerie Kim Behm, Frankfurt
2013 Farblichter, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2013 Indian Tantric + Western Contemporary, Bartha Contemporary, London
2012 Information, Schroth Foundation at Kloster Wedinghausen, Arnsberg, Germany
2012 Coherent Surface, Radiant Light, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, New York
2011 Rudolf de Crignis + Winston Roeth - Works on Paper, Olschewski & Behm, Frankfurt
2011 Stephan Baumkötter + Rudolf de Crignis, Bartha Contemporary, London
2010 Chromie, Galerie Gisele Linder, Basel
2010 Painting: Rudolf de Crignis, Winston Roeth, Ulrich Wellman, Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston
2009 Blue, James Graham & Sons, New York
2009 Sammlung XXL, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2008 Zur Kontingenz der Linie, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2008 Remix Color and Light, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
2007 Equal, That Is, To The Real Itself, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York
2007 All from America (Part two), Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2007 Trace Elements, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York
2006 All from America (Part one), Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2006 2step, Kunstnernes Hus, Wergelandsveien 17, Oslo, Norway
2006 Line and Surface, Peter Blum Gallery, New York
2005 Stratification: An Installation of Works since 1960, Busch-Reisinger Museum,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (cat.)
2005 New Works, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York
2005 Rudolf de Crignis, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Richard Long,
David Rabinowitch, Günter Umberg, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2005 The Natalie and Irving Forman Collection, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York (cat.)
2004 Molti Multipli, CCNOA, Brussels
2004 Die Farbe hat mich II, Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen, Germany
2004 Painting and Drawing I/II, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York
2004 Deux arcs de Cercle - Neue Werkgruppen in der Sammlung, Kunsthaus Aarau, Switzerland
2003 Farbe und Fläche in der Gegenwartskunst, Lenbachhaus, München, (cat.)
2003 Guest Art - Das Kunsthaus Zürich mit Leihgaben zu Gast,
Haus für konstruktive und konkrete Kunst, Zürich
2003 Zeichnungen, Galerie Krohn, Badenweiler, Germany
2003 Sterne für Kolumba - Schenkungen , Diözesanmuseum Köln, Cologne
2003 Painted Color: Modern Painting at the Beginning of the 21st Century,
Chac Mool Gallery, Los Angeles
2002 Some Chromes , Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
2002 Refining Expressionism: Painterly to Post-painterly Abstraction ,
Rose Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass.
2002 Three Painters, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York
2002 7 Grays, Organized by Dan Walsh, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York
2002 Color: A Life of Its Own, Múcsarnok, Kunsthalle Budapest, (cat.)
2001 Das Gespinst, Galerie Cora Hölzl, Düsseldorf
2001 Monochrome/Monochrome?, Curated by Lilly Wei, Florence Lynch Gallery, New York
2001 Chroma: Rudolf de Crignis, Stephan Baumkötter, Stefan Gritsch,
Alexis Harding, Ingo Meller, Galerie Krohn, Badenweiler, Deutschland
2001 Paintings / Photographs: Rudolf de Crignis, John Coplans, Peter Hujar,
Joseph Marioni, Gary Schneider, Peter Tollens, Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston
2000 The Memory of Painting/Das GedÄchnis der Malerei, Kunsthaus Aarau, Switzerland
2000 Über die Wirklichkeit, Diözesanmuseum Köln, (cat.)
2000 Paintings, Esso Gallery, New York
1999 99 respektive 59, Kunsthaus Aarau, Switzerland, (cat.)
1999 Color -Based Paintings, Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco
1999 Rudolf de Crignis, Friederike van Duiven, Christiane Rasch,
Atelier Kluser Schule, Lüdenscheid, Germany
1999 radical silence: Rudolf de Crignis, Marcia Hafif, Adrian Schiess, Peter Tollens,
Günter Umberg Dieter Villinger, Ulrich Rückriem, Richard Long - aus der Sammlung Rosskopf,
Alexander Bürkle Galerieräumen, Freiburg, Germany
1999 Color-Based Paintings - Rudolf de Crignis, Frederic Thursz, Joseph Marioni, Phil Sims,
Ingo Meller, Peter Tollens, Ulrich Wellmann, Joseph Hughes,
Jan Maiden Fine Art, Columbus, Ohio
1998 Farbe 2, Rudolf de Crignis, Stefan Baumkötter, Bernhard Hartter, Joseph Marioni,
John Mc Cracken, Galerie Monika Reitz, Frankfurt
1998 A space between, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York
1998 Muette: Conversation des yeux, Galerie Gisele Linder, Basel
1998 Color-Based Paintings, Rudolf de Crignis, Frederic Thursz, Joseph Marioni,
Marcia Hafif, Phil Sims, Ingo Meller, Peter Tollens,
Ulrich Wellmann, Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston
1998 Visible, Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, Bern, (cat.)
1998 Règle et déviance, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Neuchâtel
1997 Regel und Abweichung, Stiftung für konstruktive und konkrete Kunst, Zürich, (cat.)
1997 Rudolf de Crignis, Phil Sims, Ulrich Wellmann, , Galerie Giselle Linder, Basel
1997 Blau-Weiss, Galerie am See, Zug
1997 J'aime toutes les couleurs parce que mon âme est obscure,
Centre d'art contemporain de Demigny, France
1997 Issues of Abstraction, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York
1997 Seit 1970, Sammlungsaustellung, Kunsthaus Aarau, Switzerland
1995 Minimalist Strategies: Rudolf de Crignis, Marcia Hafif, Nancy Haynes, Gary Smith,
John Zinsser, Pamela Auchincloss Gallery, New York
1994 ....x zweidimensional, Stiftung für konstruktive und konkrete Kunst, Zürich
1994 konstruktive konzepte, Galerie am See, Zug
1993 das einfache ist das schwierige, Kunsthaus Zug, Zug
1992 366 Zeichnungen, Galerie Bob van Orsouw, Zürich
1990 Between Two Worlds - Swiss Artists in America; American Artists in Switzerland 1940-1990,
Credit Suisse, New York
1989 Means, PS 122 Gallery, New York
1989 Two Aspects of Abstraction, Swiss Institute New York, New York (cat.)
1989 Hudson River Open 89, The Hudson River Museum of Westchester, Yonkers, New York
1989 All-Harlem Art Exhibition, Aaron Davis Hall, New York
1988 GMHC Contemporary Art Auction, Sotheby's, New York
1988 6th Biennale der Schweizer Kunst, St. Gallen (cat.)
1982 Fotografien III, Städtische Galerie zum Strauhof, Zürich
1980 12 Junge Künstler aus der Schweiz, Halle für Internationale neue Kunst (InK), Zürich, (cat.)
1976 The enviroment, Pavillon of Switzerland, 35th Biennale, Venice